Smith and Winston - Play Smith and Winston CoOp at Rezzed 2019

If you’re coming along to Rezzed 2019 then stop by our booth and give Smith and Winston a play and chat to us. Both Charlie and I will be there in our exclusive Smith and Winston tshirts so we won’t be hard to miss.

Exclusive Coop

Coop is still a bit buggy but we’re enabling it for this special event. As we’ll be there we’ll be able to tell you what’s gone wrong and apologise :)

Exclusive Free Voxel

We’re giving away exclusive voxels that have travelled from the far side of the asteroid. In our dimension they appear to be flattened but can be folded and glued back in to “three” dimensions for us to view ;)

Smith and Winston TShirt

Boob shot!

Charlie and I will be wearing these exlusive tshirts so we are easy to find. We’re pretty happy how they turned out in the end. Our names are across our bums as our names and big like our bums.

Smith and Winston TShirt Smith and Winston TShirt

A preview of our stand

The booth will also have a massive Smith and Winston logo over it as well so… yeah you won’t be able to miss it.

Smith and Winston Stand artwork

Hope to see you there. There are lots of indies and mainstream games to play at Rezzed… but the indies are the best!
